Les soins certifiés BIO pour réguler votre peau

Manger sain, check. Faire du sport, check.
Nourrir sa peau sans la saturer ? C’est par ici.

Parce que votre peau aussi a besoin d’équilibre !

Don't kid yourseld, our skin has bad days too and we are all concerned. Yes, even Bella Hadid must sometimes notice a small blackhead when she looks at herself in the mirror....

Mais si votre peau a tendance à briller sur la zone T, voire à héberger régulièrement des squatteurs gênants, tels que (liste non exhaustive) : imperfections, pores apparents, inflammations, irrégularités… c’est qu’il est temps de démarrer un programme rééquilibrant sur-mesure. Hé oui, dans la vraie vie, il n’y a pas de gomme Photoshop !

The apprearance of our skin depends on 2 factors: its initial biological nature (thank you mom and dad!) and its current state according to situational criteria: your lifestyle of course, but also the pollution of your environment, your stress level, your hormonal cycles ... So, we propose a double action :


  • an additional solution dedicated to areas with the most irregular appearance with the Sucré Frappé scrub that will gently exfoliate and the #Nofilter serum that will matify and blur small defects in a targeted manner. The Pina Tomata mask, applied occasionally as a boost, will help tighten pores.
Mixed to oily or young skin